Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire for the DSM IV
The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire is used internationally by health professionals as a screening tool for the presence DSM IV Axis II Personality disorders.
The PDQ-4 can be used by psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors and other mental health professionals to aid in screening patients.
The test consists of 99 True/False questions that are followed-up with additional questions focussed inquires on disorders that may have clincal significance.
The questions are closely aligned with the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV.
The results from the screening test are intended provide an indication of key features of the each personaility disorder. However, the formal diagnosis of the presence of a PD can only made by a trained professional.
The PDQ-4 can be adminstered in paper and pencil format or on-line.
Example of a true/false question
I know that people will take advantage of me or cheat me if I let them (T/F)