The Official website of the PDQ-4

How would you expect to use the test?

How often?



I would be interested in participating in a pilot test of the ePDQ-4 in my practice



We are creating PC/laptop and Android tablet/smart phone versions of the PDQ-4 that can be used in you practice.

The ePDQ-4 test is being designed to be administered as an interview                            (potential billing codes 90791,96101, 96102*)

Or, as a completely computer administered test (code 96103*) which your client’s can complete prior to their session. A test will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.  A detailed report is created to facilitate the diagnosis of any PD’s indicated during the testing session. 

If you would like to be informed when the ePDQ-4 is released, please complete the form below.

* please confirm correct codes and reimbursement rate with your billing processor.